Vote YES on the last two ballot items!
Paid for and approved by Citizens for Graceful Growth

Revisiting the Past to Shape the Future
Q. What is Section 5.06, Zoning limitations, in the City Charter?
A. Primary purpose of the Section 5.06 is to limit City Council’s authority to increase the height limits and density limits in any particular zoning district in the City, from the limits existing in the City’s Zoning Code on August 15, 1989. Any proposed amendment to the height or density limits in the City’s Zoning Code has to be approved by the citizens of the City of Vero Beach by referendum.
Section 5.06. - Zoning limitations.
The building height limitations and density levels existing in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Vero Beach, Florida, on August 15, 1989, shall not be increased by action of the city council unless such increase shall have first been approved by the electors of the City of Vero Beach, Florida, at a referendum proposing such a building height or density level increase.
Q. Why is the referendum for the Three Corners project required?
A. After community input throughout the planning process and exploration of ideas to revitalize Downtown Vero Beach and the surrounding commercial areas, the City Council adopted a master plan on July 23, 2024 that anticipates the City revising its Land Development Regulations (LDR) to encourage and facilitate more residential development, including workforce housing, in Downtown Vero Beach and the surrounding commercial areas. The LDR revisions will focus on amending the parking and stormwater requirements to align with the existing Downtown development, increasing the density limits in the zoning code to facilitate more residential development, and streamlining the building permit review process for reuse of existing structures. Section 5.06 of the City Charter restricts City Council from changing the existing density limits in Downtown and the surrounding commercial areas in the zoning code. City Council is seeking authorization from the citizens of Vero Beach to implement revisions to the zoning code to allow for transfer of development rights and increase density in Downtown Commercial District (walkable core). If the referendum is approved, the amended density limits and transfer of development right program will have to be implemented consistent with the master plan approved by City Council on July 23, 2024.
Q. What will the City of Vero Beach citizens be voting on November 5?
A. The following referendum questions related to the Downtown Master Plan is on the November 5 ballot:
November 5, 2024
Shall Section 5.06 of the City Charter be amended to allow a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program that permits potential residential units to be conveyed between parcels to allow workforce residential development beyond the permitted maximum density on a particular parcel in areas designated Mixed Use in the City’s Comprehensive Plan and recommended by the Ideas for Downtown planning study?
Shall the above Charter Amendment be adopted?
Yes for Approval
No for Rejection
November 5, 2024
Shall Section 5.06 of the City Charter be amended to allow an increase in residential density from the present level of 17 units per acre to a density level of 36 units per acre to allow residential development not to exceed 1,800 total residential units in the entire Downtown Commercial District consistent with the Ideas for Downtown master plan as adopted by City Council on July 23, 2024?
Shall the above Charter Amendment be adopted?
Yes for Approval
No for Rejection
Q. What is the proposed change to Section 5.06 of the City Charter:
A. The following language is proposed to be added to Section 5.06 of the City Charter:
Section 5.06. - Zoning limitations.
The building height limitations and density levels existing in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Vero Beach, Florida, on August 15, 1989, except as described below, shall not be increased by action of the city council unless such increase shall have first been approved by the electors of the City of Vero Beach, Florida, at a referendum proposing such a building height or density level increase.
a) On properties designated Mixed-Use Future Land Use on the Future Land Use Figure in the City’s Comprehensive Plan, additional residential unit density may be permitted through a transfer of development rights (TDR) program for workforce housing.
b) In the Downtown Commercial District, as identified on the Commercial Districts Figure in the City’s Comprehensive Plan, the total number of dwelling units in this district shall not exceed 1,800 units at a residential unit density of 36 units per acre over the entire district.
If both referendums are approved, the language above will be added to the City Charter, Section 5.06. This section will govern the City Council on any proposed amendment to the zoning code for the Downtown and the surrounding commercial areas. The referendum question summarizes this proposed language in 75 words.